Creating More Space in Your Home

Vivid White wooden bay window shutters with cream sofa

Are you finding that your place seems a lot smaller than it used to? Or perhaps you’ve moved into a new place and want to make the most of your new home? Creating more space in your home can be a tricky task, but with a little bit of creativity, effort, and patience, you can open up even the most cramped of spaces. But if you’re struggling to find ways to embiggen (Yes, that is really a word. We looked it up) a room, we’re here to help. Below, we’ve listed a few tips to help you do just that.

Start Decluttering

When you’re creating more space in your home, one of the best places to start is by getting rid of all the clutter you’ve accumulated over the years. Go through each and every room to get rid of anything that’s either no longer useful, you haven’t used in a while, or you simply don’t need. But that doesn’t mean those items won’t be of use to someone else. You can give them a new home by donating them to charity or selling them on.

Use Your Vertical Space

Most homes have lots of unused vertical space in places like the walls and above furniture. It’s here where you can make some major spatial gains. Use up this space by installing shelves, hanging organisers, or fitting coat hooks, for example. You’ll be surprised at how much storage space you’ll have.

Multi-Functional Furniture

Furniture with multiple uses is becoming increasingly popular, mostly because it’s a great way to save space. A sofa bed – a sofa which can be converted into a bed – can be great for a smaller apartment, while an Ottoman can be used as additional storage space. Modular furniture is another clever and stylish way to make the most of your space. The possibilities are almost endless.

Maximise Your Storage Solutions

Be sure to use your existing storage space efficiently. Maybe you have space under a bed or couch. Use storage containers to hold out-of-season clothing or bedding, or simply to effectively organize bric-a-brac. And for those who have too many shoes (if such a thing is possible), consider buying a shoe rack or two to store your footwear.

Create More Space with Plantation Shutters

New window treatments, if chosen correctly, can be a great way to create more space in your home. Plus, they can breathe new life into a room that may be airing a little on the listless side. Wooden shutter blinds have a range of practical benefits, but the one we want to focus on is how little space they take up. Unlike other traditional window dressings like curtains or blinds, they’re fitted flush to the window recess, meaning they don’t protrude into the room. This creates a more spacious and airier feel in any room. Plus, with their moveable slats and foldable panels, you can control exactly how much light comes into your home. What’s not to love?

If you would like to learn more about shutters and how they’re perfect for creating more space in your home, we’d love to hear from you. Send an email to [email protected] today and one of our expert team will be in touch.