Shutters for Large Windows

A neutral living room with Snow White tier on tier faux wood shutters

Large windows are a standout feature in any space. Offering sweeping views and plenty of light, it’s important to give these centrepieces the dressing they deserve.


So, let's explore how these versatile window treatments can elevate your space.

Shutter styles to suit large windows

Full height shutters: The all-rounder
For those majestic, floor-to-ceiling windows, full height shutters stand tall and proud. They offer a seamless look, providing complete coverage that’s practical and stylish.


With full control over natural light and your home’s privacy, they transform large windows into stunning backdrops that complement any room's décor.


Ideal for: Large living rooms, open-plan areas, patio doors.


Bonus benefits:


  • Unobstructed views: When fully opened, full height shutters disappear into their discreet casings, maximizing your enjoyment of the panoramic views.
  • A clean, streamlined look: Full height shutters add a sense of grandeur and architectural interest, making a bold statement.


Café style shutters: Improving home privacy
Café style shutters cover just the bottom half of your windows, offering views while keeping your space private from prying eyes.


They're the perfect choice for those who love to bathe their rooms in natural light without compromising on privacy.


Ideal for: Living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms.


Bonus benefits:


  • Maintains natural light: Perfect for south-facing rooms where you may not want to block sunlight entirely.
  • Opens up the view: Enjoy the beauty of your garden or street scene while maintaining privacy.


Tier on tier shutters: Versatility for your rooms
Tier-on-tier shutters offer the ultimate control. Adjust the top and bottom shutter panels independently, creating the perfect middle ground between full height and café style.


They’re ideal for large windows in rooms where the time of day dictates the mood and ambiance.


Ideal for: Bedrooms, living rooms, home offices.


Bonus benefits:


  • Flexible light control: Open the top tier for gentle morning light, or adjust both tiers throughout the day to create the perfect balance of light and privacy.
  • Improved energy efficiency: In the summer, close the top tier to block harsh sunlight and keep your home cooler. In the winter, open both tiers to allow heat from the sun to enter.


Solid shutters: A traditional choice
With their robust design and timeless appearance, solid window shutters are the ultimate statement. Classically inspired, they offer unrivalled privacy, insulation, and noise reduction.


For large windows in bedrooms or street-facing living rooms, solid shutters offer privacy with a regal touch.


Ideal for: Bedrooms, media rooms, home cinemas.


Bonus benefits:


  • Unmatched privacy: Solid shutters completely block out light, creating a dark and private environment – perfect for a restful night’s sleep or a cinematic movie experience.
  • Superior soundproofing: Solid shutters provide excellent noise reduction, creating a peaceful haven from outside disturbances.
A neutral living room with Snow White tier on tier faux wood shutters

San Francisco tier on tier in snow white

How large can my shutters be?

Got a particularly large set of sashes or casement windows? Not to worry.


We can make shutters for large windows up to a width of 2685mm and a height of 2200mm.

The practical benefits of large window shutters

No matter which style you go with, window shutters offer plenty of perks:


  • Improved home Privacy
    Shutters for large windows let you enjoy the beauty of your surroundings without the outside world peering in, offering peace of mind with a simple slat adjustment.

  • Insulate your home
    Large windows, while stunning to look at, contribute to energy loss. Shutters act as an insulating layer, trapping air and creating a barrier against the elements.

  • Soundproof your rooms
    In bustling neighbourhoods or busy streets, window shutters will dampen the noise of the outside world.

  • Add a classic style
    This one goes without saying, but we’ll say it anyway. Shutters enhance the beauty of your large windows, adding a wow factor that’s sure to impress your guests.


Compared to other window treatments:


While curtains and blinds can add a touch of style to large windows, they often struggle to offer the same level of practicality as large window shutters.

  • Curtains: Can be cumbersome to open and close for large windows. They also tend to billow in the breeze and may not offer complete privacy.
  • Blinds: Large blinds can sag over time and may not provide complete coverage for extra-wide windows. They also tend to be less effective at insulating and soundproofing

Order shutters for large windows

At California Shutters, we're passionate about bringing your vision to life, one shutter at a time, and giving you plenty of choice in the process.


That's why we have a range of shutters for large windows for you to choose from.


Explore our shutter collections today and discover the perfect shutters for your large windows.


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